KJN Gloria Story

It is with great Honor to call you my GGM. You have taught us to rise up and level up of what we have learn from all your teachings. GGM Reyes you have the biggest heart and always show unconditional love to everyone. Having you as one of the founders of our WCWMA association, you have brought us positive energy to everyone in our association.
GGM Reyes, without having this great WCWMA association, no telling how I would be physically, mentally and spiritually. When I was down because of obstacles of what I was going through, you called me and help me on being by my side and be the Rock you would say, “hold myself up in order to do what I need to do for myself and my family”.
You are an inspiration to us all.
I like to say, it is a great Honor to be one of your student, instructors, and staff member. One Team! One Family! One Spirit and One Love! SPOM!!
Love KJN Gloria – SC