
Holiday Deals for Your Martial Arts School


The holidays are a great time to get new students interested in your martial arts school. With so many people looking for things to do and ways to stay active during the winter months, now is the perfect time to offer special holiday deals and promotions. Here are a few ideas to get you started.


1.  Offer a Free Trial Class

One of the best ways to get new students in the door is to offer a free trial class. This gives people a chance to come in and see what your school has to offer without making a commitment. Be sure to market your free trial class well so that people know when and where it is. You can post flyers around town, put an ad in the local paper, or even promote it on social media.


2.  Memberships

Another great way to entice new students is to offer discounted memberships. This could be a percentage off the usual price or even a free month of classes. Again, be sure to promote this holiday deal well so that people are aware of it. Send out email blasts, post about it on social media, or even put up signs around town.


3.  Gift Certificates

Gift certificates are always a popular holiday gift idea, so why not make them available for your martial arts classes? This is a great way for people to give the gift of fitness and self-defense while also supporting your small business. Sell them online, in person, or even through third-party retailers. Just be sure to promote them well so that people know they exist.


The holidays are a great time to attract new students to your martial arts school. By offering deals and promotions, you can get people in the door who might not have otherwise considered taking classes. Be sure to market your deals well so that people are aware of them. And if you sell gift certificates, promote them heavily so that people know they exist and how they can purchase them. With a little effort, you can make this holiday season your best yet!