Corpus Christi Family Martial Arts Academy

Martial Arts in Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi Family Martial Arts Academy Programs

Kids Martial Arts, Adult Martial Arts, Pre-School Martial Arts, After School Program, Summer Camp


Corpus Christi Family Martial Arts Academy

Since 1995 we have build a wonderful Martial Arts Family that we want you to join. There are classes available for Toddlers, Kids, and classes for Teens & Adults. Our self-defense curriculum consists of: Karate, Japanese Jujitsu, Krav Maga, Ninjutsu, and Kung-fu. Almost every month we host fun events that everyone enjoy!

Additionally, we offer a great After School Program and Summer Camp!

We Are Proud To Introduce

Mark Timmerman, Grand Master

With a passion for helping community members stay safe while teaching what is often categorized as a martial art, our Master Instructors believe that each student can obtain their goals and objectives in life.

Offering training concepts, drills and various skill sets that will get you fit, keep you agile and feeling confident in every day life.

Whether you are seeking a traditional martial arts school or something more modern please reach out to us first and let us show you what we have to offer.

We look forward to showing you what we have to offer to you and your family.

Corpus Christi Family Martial Arts Academy
4037 Saratoga Blvd. Suite A
Corpus Christi Texas 78413

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Listen To What People Are Saying!

Barbara Poland - Excellent experience. My six year old granddaughter thrives under these sensei's. Skill and patience creates pride and confidence. I highly recommend them.