Phoenix Martial Arts Academy

Martial Arts in Albuquerque

Phoenix Martial Arts Academy Programs

Karate, Kickboxing, Grappling


Phoenix Martial Arts Academy

We take a scientific approach to teaching the martial arts. We start by building the body to correctly perform the required movements. All instructors are either certified personal trainers or work directly under one. We practice movements in all planes of movement to allow for the least possibility of injury during training.
We study all the major styles of traditional Japanese karate: Shito-Ryu, Goju Ryu, Shotokan and even Shorin-Ryu from Okinawa, and breakdown the movements into a functional adaptation for the modern world.
It doesn’t matter if you want to be a champion in the ring or just the confidence in knowing you can protect you and those around you, we can help you achieve those goals.

We Are Proud To Introduce

Clinton Brewer

With a passion for helping community members stay safe while teaching what is often categorized as a martial art, our Master Instructors believe that each student can obtain their goals and objectives in life.

Offering training concepts, drills and various skill sets that will get you fit, keep you agile and feeling confident in every day life.

Whether you are seeking a traditional martial arts school or something more modern please reach out to us first and let us show you what we have to offer.

We look forward to showing you what we have to offer to you and your family.

Phoenix Martial Arts Academy
9577 Osuna Rd NE
Albuquerque NM 87111

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Listen To What People Are Saying!

Mr.Brewer is one of best instructors I've come to know through out the years of my martial arts journey. Very knowledgeable not only in what he's teaching with the principle and technique, he's also well studied in the history of the art he has practiced for years. Highly recommended Jonathan Fo