Talon Martial Arts on 377

Martial Arts in Aubrey

Talon Martial Arts on 377 Programs

Traditional martial arts and after school program.


Talon Martial Arts on 377

Teaching traditional martial arts to families since 2004 through evening, daytime, weekend and after school classes.

We Are Proud To Introduce

Jeff Booker

With a passion for helping community members stay safe while teaching what is often categorized as a martial art, our Master Instructors believe that each student can obtain their goals and objectives in life.

Offering training concepts, drills and various skill sets that will get you fit, keep you agile and feeling confident in every day life.

Whether you are seeking a traditional martial arts school or something more modern please reach out to us first and let us show you what we have to offer.

We look forward to showing you what we have to offer to you and your family.

Talon Martial Arts on 377
924 S Hwy 377
Aubrey TX 76227

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Listen To What People Are Saying!

My son started 4 months ago and has gained confidence, physical control, agility, and made friends with other students. He has always been well mannered, but has learned more respect and applied discipline since beginning. Instructors are patient and emphasize life lessons over martial art success.