Why martial arts is one of the best to teach respect
The martial arts is uniquely qualified to teach respect far more than any other sport. That’s because the entire methodology Read more...
Learn teamwork with martial arts
Teamwork is perhaps one of the most valuable assets a person can have, that sense of teamwork, that sense of Read more...
How martial arts can help kids with anxiety
Anxiety comes from uncertainty and fear. And these can be debilitating to a kid. Now there’s a multitude of reasons Read more...
What can martial arts teach kids about discipline
The martial arts is a system which is designed around and upon a firm foundation of discipline. Indeed, discipline is Read more...
Unleash your child’s inner warrior with martial arts
Since time began, there have been warriors in a community. It's among the oldest social classes, and their purpose has Read more...
Martial arts teaches kids to be calm
You might find it incongruous to say or think that the martial arts teaches kids how to be calm. After Read more...
Learning life skills with martial arts
Life skills are things that everyone needs to have, and some people have needs for different skills. But in some Read more...
7 reasons everyone needs to train in martial arts
#1 Self defense is the first reason anyone and everyone who can should train in martial arts. It is simply Read more...
Developing self esteem with martial arts
Success breeds confidence. It's that simple. That’s how it works in the real world. So logic then dictates that if Read more...
Improve mental health with martial arts
One of the simplest and most effective means of preserving mental acuity is consistent engagement. Like anything else it grows Read more...
Goal setting for kids in martial arts
The martial arts is full of positive, helpful, and productive lessons kids can learn. But perhaps the most helpful, the Read more...
Martial arts for kids with ADHD
A seeming overabundance of energy, restlessness, an inability to focus and concentrate. An inability or difficulty listening and taking direction. Read more...