G2K Featured Tooke

Travis Tooke

Professor Travis Tooke

Team Tooke Mixed Martial Arts Academy

Houston, TX

Go2Karate has been essential in producing high quality leads for my business. The team is always available to discuss the latest trends and strategies that I can use to keep growing into the future. Top notch group!

Travis Tooke

Samples of work that Go2Karate has done for Team Tooke Mixed Martial Arts Academy

Lead Generating Website Platform

Our Go2 Karate Website Platform Development Team built-in specific marketing strategies and marketing tactics on Team Tooke’s marketing website platform. Travis Tooke and his Team are truly inspiring Martial Arts practitioners as well as Instructors. The Go2 Karate Team needed this platform to convey his message to his demographic market and the Martial Arts Industry. The Rev Connects platform literally connects his community members with his business lead after lead, day after day. The Growth Factors and ROI are top notch as he scales his business with new students. Travis Tooke has gained a very strong footprint online by utilizing the Go2 Karate media center on his website. From blog content, gallery to his podcasts has become big on the internet and is now the “Go To” Martial Arts” School in his area.

Team Tooke website

Book Publishing

The Go2 Karate Team and Rev Marketing-Publishing Team worked with Travis Tooke on his two amazing Authored books. As his publisher we cannot even begin to state how proud we are of his accomplishments and what these books have done for him and his business. Travis Tooke is a true Influencer and Leader within the martial arts industry, and we are so excited for his brand to “standout” in the world. His business website tied into his two authored books combined with marketing of his books has yielded a high return on his publishing investment in becoming a multi-book published Author. Congratulations on your success with these books.


The Go2 Karate Team has been working with Team Tooke for many years and yielded thousands of leads. The Go2 Karate professional team of online marketers created an amazing marketing plan with real-world strategies and tactics. We needed Mr. Travis Tooke to grow quickly while producing a solid online marketing footprint that could not only be seen, but one that would have lead-creating longevity. The marketing strategy incorporated multiple marketing tactics to include paid per click, SEO, organic marketing, digital pieces, reputation management, brand awareness, press releases and utilized his Authored book in becoming one of the leading Martial Arts Influencers within the country.

Author Website Platform

The Go2 Karate Team realized really quick that this humble man, this Martial Arts Instructor, this multi-business owner was so committed to challenging and bettering both himself and his business. Go2 Karate and the Rev Marketing-Publishing Team developed an Author site that specifically enhanced the Author Travis Tooke as a Top-Rated Influencer within the industry. We all know the how important reviews, reputation and brand are searched by users online. The combination of getting his company and its services, its brand and himself connected online have greatly increased his growth factors and return on investment with this very unique Author website platform.