MMA Officials Training
Martial Arts in Knoxville
MMA Officials Training Programs
MMA Referee Training, MMA Judge's Training, MMA Cornering Training
MMA Officials Training
Ever wanted to Referee or Judge at an MMA Event? MMA Official's Training offers the ONLY online MMA Referee and MMA Judge's workshops available!
And if you need training in how to properly Corner your MMA fighters – we can help with that too!
MMA is one of the fastest growing sports in not just our nation, but in the world. The lack of qualified referees, judges and cornermen/women have stretched the few good officials available, and most state athletic commissions are looking to Certify new officials. MMA Official's Training Workshops help prepare you to become certified by your state.
Think about it: No travel costs. No waiting in lines at the airport. No hotel costs for a week of training. Get this GREAT DEAL right now – Sign up online to take the MMA Referee, Judge, or Cornering course(s) from the convenience of your home!
We Are Proud To Introduce
Katrina Belcher
With a passion for helping community members stay safe while teaching what is often categorized as a martial art, our Master Instructors believe that each student can obtain their goals and objectives in life.
Offering training concepts, drills and various skill sets that will get you fit, keep you agile and feeling confident in every day life.
Whether you are seeking a traditional martial arts school or something more modern please reach out to us first and let us show you what we have to offer.
We look forward to showing you what we have to offer to you and your family.
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Listen To What People Are Saying!
I CRUSHED through the material in less than 8 days trying to prepare, and go from avid fan to educated professional. Recently I received communication and certificates from Herb Dean informing me that I passed both the Referee and Judge exams. Thanks again for doing what you do. Kent Maichle.