
Mistakes Martial Arts Businesses Are Making in 2023





As martial arts business owners, the key to success is staying ahead of the game by tapping into current trends and anticipating upcoming shifts in consumer behavior. In this digital age, many businesses are making costly mistakes because they haven’t evolved or adapted swiftly enough. The good news is that with a little foresight, you can avoid these blunders and get your business back on track before it’s too late. In this blog post, we outline some of the common missteps that many martial arts businesses will make in 2023, so read through to find out what you should be looking out for!

Not taking advantage of digital marketing platforms

In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence can make all the difference when it comes to reaching a wider audience and growing your business. Unfortunately, many companies still aren’t taking full advantage of the digital marketing platforms available to them. From social media to email marketing, there are a plethora of ways to engage with potential customers and build brand recognition. Failing to utilize these tools can mean missing out on valuable leads and ultimately, stunting the growth of your business. It’s time to rethink your marketing strategy, skip this mistake, and tap into the immense potential of the digital world.

Overlooking the importance of customer service

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to forget the importance of providing excellent customer service. Whether it’s in a retail store or online, customers expect to be treated with respect and consideration. However, far too often, businesses overlook this crucial aspect of their operations. Failing to prioritize customer service can lead to unhappy customers, negative reviews, and ultimately, lost sales. In order to succeed in today’s competitive marketplace, businesses must recognize that customer service is truly the backbone of their success. By prioritizing the needs of their customers and striving to exceed their expectations, companies can build strong relationships and earn the loyalty of their customer base.

Struggling to compete with online martial arts classes

In this age of digital advancement, one of the many industries hit hard by the pandemic is the martial arts industry. With the rise and convenience of online martial arts classes, many traditional studios are struggling to keep up with the competition. While it may seem easy to log on and join a class from the comfort of your own home, there are still some things lacking in this virtual experience. The sense of community and connection that comes with practicing alongside others is just not the same through a screen. However, with some creative thinking and adaptation, studio owners can find ways to offer both in-person and online classes to cater to the changing demands of their students. After all, the benefits of martial arts go beyond just physical fitness, and with the right approach, it can still be a valuable and rewarding experience for all.

Ignoring safety protocols and guidelines for students

The safety of students should always be a top priority when it comes to education. However, some individuals may choose to ignore safety protocols and guidelines, putting students at risk. This is an irresponsible mistake that can have serious consequences. It is important to follow safety procedures and guidelines to ensure that everyone, especially students, feels safe and secure. By disregarding safety protocols, individuals are sending the message that they do not value the well-being of those around them. It is our responsibility to prioritize safety and take necessary precautions to prevent accidents and protect everyone involved.

Not offering enough variety in their classes

Complacency can be a dangerous foe in the world of education. While teaching methodologies and classroom technology may be advancing, the need for variety in academic offerings cannot be ignored. Without a diverse range of class options, students may not be able to fully explore their passions or broaden their horizons. This lack of variety can result in disengagement and boredom, leading to a disinterest in pursuing higher education or career aspirations. Whether it’s through the inclusion of elective courses or innovative programs, educational institutions must strive to continuously adapt and evolve their course offerings to meet the ever-changing needs and interests of their students.

Failing to embrace technology such as virtual reality training or online membership management systems

With the continuous advancements of technology, it is crucial for businesses and organizations to keep up in order to remain competitive. However, some may shy away from embracing newer technologies such as virtual reality training or online membership management systems due to cost or lack of knowledge. What they fail to realize is that these tools can greatly benefit their organization by increasing efficiency, improving customer experience, and providing valuable data insights. The world is constantly evolving and so are the tools available to us. Failing to embrace technology is a mistake that could ultimately lead to being left behind in an ever-changing landscape.


There are a variety of common mistakes traditional martial arts studios have been facing when competing with online classes. Not taking advantage of digital marketing platforms, overlooking customer service, and not offering enough variety in their classes have all been detrimental to traditional business models. Other issues such as not embracing technology such as virtual reality training or online membership management systems have also had a negative effect. However, if these areas can be addressed and improved upon traditional martial arts studios could become more effective, more efficient and truly thrive in the ever-evolving digital age. The key is for studios to embrace change, listen to customer feedback, and commit to incorporating innovative techniques into their operations. Ultimately, this could bridge the gap between online and traditional martial arts studios, resulting in a greater learning experience for all involved.